Volunteer at YLW


The ambassador program began in 1999 with 42 Airport retirees looking to stay active and involved in the industry they loved. Today this number is over 70 and they perform a range of services from assisting people with disabilities to providing information on the community. They are positioned throughout the airport seven days a week, 365 days a year and can be identified by their red blazers or golf shirts to help travellers make full use of airport amenities. Our ambassadors provide a level of service unique to the Kelowna International Airport. For more information email airport@kelowna.ca

Jr. Ambassadors

In partnership with Central Okanagan Public Schools, YLW launched the Junior Ambassador Program in the summer of 2010. High School students in grade 10-12 at Central Okanagan Public Schools can earn their volunteer hours while gaining exposure to career opportunities in the aviation industry.

For more information about the YLW Junior Ambassador Program, students enrolled with Central Okanagan Public Schools  are asked to contact their school Career Centre for more information or email careerlife.programs@sd23.bc.ca 

Fall 2023 registrations deadline is Friday, October 27, 2023.


YLW brings trained Ambassador Dogs into the terminal to provide all airport users with a support service to help manage anxiety and stress associated with travelling.

For more information and to volunteer, visit Kelowna Caring Canines Society

Tourism Kelowna Kiosk

The Tourism Kelowna Visitor Information Kiosk in the arrivals area assists locals and visitors from all over the world answering a myriad of inquiries about Kelowna and the Okanagan region. The Kiosk is staffed by trained, dedicated Visitor Information volunteers seven days a week. Interested in being a Tourism Kelowna volunteer at the airport? Email Chris Lewis  or phone 250 861-1515 ext. 207.

Airport Watch Program

To ensure the security of passengers and airport property, many Canadian airports have started a Watch Program. In co-ordination with the local RCMP detachment, Canadian Border Service Agency and other agencies, YLW has started its own program. YLW's Airport Watch is designed to involve the community in reporting any suspicious behaviours on YLW property. Airport tenants and the surrounding community are encouraged to be an extra set of eyes and ears around the airport.

Airport Watch volunteers provide the same sort of security as the Neighbourhood Watch Program. Members monitor general aviation procedures, the condition of the fencing, wildlife activity, parking lots, suspicious behaviours and foreign object debris (FOD). Their task is to "Observe, Record and Report."

If you are interested in joining the airport watch program, email ylwairportwatch@kelowna.ca.